Vopium New communications and PR
Vopium is an innovative mobile global service provider. The company's free-to-download mobile app enables international calling at up to 94% savings.
I worked with Vopium for approximately 4 months rewriting their website and creating a new communcatiions platform for marketing to b2b and b2c customers. In the short time together, we created a film to introduce the product, numerous PR pieces, tweets, new website, and Facebook campaigns in addition to a major global event - the company's Birthday Blowout. I created the Birthday Blowout to build awareness in new markets and especially in the US and Australia. As a grand prize Vopium gave away 5 Years of FREE calls to 5 people on 5 continents.
Vopium press releases
Vopium Tweets
Vopium website

Vopium blog
Blog.vopium - editor

Vopium b2b advert for Broadband conference targeting MVNOs, ISPs & MSPs |